Republic of the Philippines - Stamps & Postal History

RP Issues of 2004




2004, October 1 (11).  Christmas 2004

Litho Offset.  Amstar Company, Inc.,  Perf. 14.

Singles, Sheets of 50



    6p  Christmas Tree - Singles  (50,000)

  17p  Christmas Tree - Singles  (50,000)

  21p  Christmas Tree - Singles  (50,000)

  22p  Christmas Tree - Singles  (50,000)



Designers:  Alfonso V. Divina, Victorino Z. Serevo



First Day Covers:  Manila



CHRISTMAS TREE - The major decorative object in the celebration of Christmas in the western world is the Christmas tree, an evergreen, usually a Douglas fir or a balsam fir. The symbolic use of evergreens has its roots in ancient times especially in the Egyptian, Hebrew and Chinese cultures, in which it signified eternal life.

During the Middle Ages, when Christianity became widespread in Europe, the pagan custom of tree worship nevertheless lived on, especially in northern Edrope. In Germany, a tree with apples hung on it was called a paradise tree and was employed as a Garden of Eden symbol. Germans came to'set up aparadise tree in their homes around Christmastime and decorated it with wafers (emblematic of the Eucharist), and later cookies, candles, and other forms of decoration.

By the 18th century, the custom was common in Germany, and in fact German settlers has introduced the practice into North America as early as the 17th century. The tradition was brought to England in the early 19th century. The tree's use as the decorative focal point of Christmas celebration has not waned. Electric lights, candy canes, shiny ornaments, religious symbols and other objects are hung on the trees annually, and this decorating activity has spread to the lawns, trees, shrubs, and building exteriors of many suburban homes. Cities and towns often display large, spectacularly decorated trees and make the lighting of the tree a ceremony, as the Rockefeller Center in New York City.




  • Christmas

  • Religious


Articles by Dr. Ngo Tiong Tak

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Issues of 2004